Frequently Asked Questions About Hair Removal

What are the advantages of permanent hair removal?

- Application can be made in larger areas.
- Hair removal process; the speed of the shaving application and the long-term effect of electrolysis are combined.
- It is a method that can be applied in every area of the body.

Can permanent hair removal be applied to all types of hair?

Permanent hair removal is more effective in pigmented hairs. Individuals with light yellow, gray or red hair may not be as successful as dark-haired individuals. If the color of the hair is more visible in the visible part but the hair follicle is dark, hair removal may still be effective.

Can all skin types be treated?

It can be applied on all skin types. It should not be tanned only during the application. In a bronze skin, pigments are more sensitive to the light and may cause various reactions.

Can all body areas be treated?

Permanent hair removal can theoretically be applied to all areas but should be avoided at the lower part of the eyebrow area. Since it is very close to the eye area, it should also be very careful during the procedure applied to the upper parts of the cheekbones. The most popular regions in women; face, arm and bikini while men in the back, shoulders and chest region.

Is the application permanent?

Results are permanent unless there is a hormonal disorder. However, during the years in certain areas of the hair may need one session. Results may vary depending on the effectiveness of the equipment used and the expertise of the practitioner. In applications with low-quality devices, the results obtained with devices suitable for quality and skin type may not be successful. With a low-quality device a successful operation may not be performed, even when working at the optimum level.

Individuals with yellow, grey or red hair may not be as successful as dark-skinned individuals.

Which Regions Get Faster Results?

Permanent hair removal results in more impressive results in the short term. The results to be obtained in the long term will vary depending on the person and the region where the procedure is applied. The vast majority of people who apply permanent hair removal will see a significant reduction in hair in the area of application in 6-8 weeks. In women, arm, bikini and leg regions, men in the chest region respond very well to practice. The application of the facial region in women can result in longer duration due to hormonal factors. Retouch sessions may be required in these areas. More impressive results are achieved in dark hairs and light-skinned people. The number of sessions may increase in people with deeper bristles.

Why is it important to cool the skin?

There are two purposes of cooling the skin during the process: it prevents burns by preventing the skin from overheating and helps to achieve more effective results. There are various methods used to cool the skin. These are the use of refrigerated end equipment, the use of air convection equipment.

How old should it be for permanent hair removal?

Permanent epilation can be applied at any age, but it is not suitable for children before 16-17 years of age. Changes in the hormones caused by adolescence at these ages may also cause changes in the hair structure. In older ages, it is recommended to perform permanent hair removal without greying the hair.

Is there a side effect?

Permanent epilation is a short-term procedure and can be returned to routine life immediately after the treatment. The devices used in the hair removal process do not break the skin and therefore the risk is low. Epilation has been proven to be safe by clinics worldwide. Slight redness or burning sensation may occur. But these effects are only seen in the first few days. These problems will be eliminated by using cold application or creams containing cortisone. If bronze skin is being treated, skin pigmentation may increase or decrease.

How many sessions are required?

The number of sessions varies according to the type of hair and the desired result level. The majority of the treated individuals will see a significant reduction in their hair between 6-8 weeks. This will continue to progress over time. If the expected results are not reached, the operation settings should be reviewed again.

Individuals with light coloured hair may perform regular hair removal. The results will vary depending on the person and the process to be implemented. For example, the armpits and bikini regions are the regions that respond best to the epilation process. However, the procedures applied to the facial region may be longer.

How should the range of sessions be?

Although it varies according to the field of application, it is generally recommended to leave a gap of 4-6 weeks between procedures.

What are the prices of permanent hair removal?

This issue should be discussed in detail in the first consultation. The transaction price depends on the region of the application and the number of sessions received. It may also vary depending on the density of the hair and the number of procedures required.

If a price less than the price given for a permanent hair removal is offered, the quality of the device used, the characteristics of the centre, or the competence of the person who will perform the application are likely to have some shortcomings. Attention should be paid to places that give very low prices by saying. The cases of fraud have increased.

What should I do before the procedure?

It should not be tanned during the process. The bristles in the area to be treated should be short, but most importantly, they are visible (1-5 mm). Bleach should not be used until 6 weeks before the procedure. 1 month before the procedure, the bleach should not be used and should not be entered into the solarium. You can shave 24-48 hours before the procedure.

What happens between permanent hair removal sessions?

After the procedure, redness, burning and rash are common. This situation should be eliminated within 1-8 hours following the procedure. Ice packs can be used to help cool the skin. You can also use aloe vera lotions or post-sun lotions.

24 hours after the procedure, do not expose to direct sunlight, sauna etc. environments should be avoided. Use of sunscreen cream is recommended. Within 15-20 minutes after the application, the hairs in the treated area will begin to spill. This process can be accelerated by applying soft peeling.

In fact, we advise you to shave the day before your appointment. We do not think it is appropriate to do the waxing. Because this situation can affect the growth cycle of hairs and the results of the procedure. You will see that the hairs in the area where the process is applied gradually begin to fall off. As you continue your process, this will continue to progress. This will reduce the number of sessions.

A small number of people had side effects such as pink skin, redness, swelling or follicle. If you have any questions, please contact the place of your hair removal.

What should I expect from the results of the application?

Nowadays, permanent hair removal systems used at home are gaining popularity. It is available for sale in stores. The vast majority of small IPL-type devices designed for domestic use. Household devices operate at low energy levels and do not require training for use. Easy to use. However, due to its low energy level and small size, there is a slow and long lasting process.

Which skin and hair types are suitable for permanent hair removal?

When first permanent hair removal technology was developed, only dark hairs and light skin tones could be applied. This is because old-fashioned devices cannot distinguish pigments from hair and skin. There are cases of burns and pigmentation changes as a result of the applications performed in people with dark skin. However, as technology evolved, the wavelengths of the devices used became adjustable. In this way, dark-skinned people began to perform a safe hair removal process.

There are some limitations on the epilation process applied to bronze skins. The increased amount of melanin in the skin makes the skin inappropriate for the epilation process. But thanks to the superior equipment used in high-quality places such as Essi Beauty and Aesthetics Group, permanent hair removal is provided on dark skin.

How many sessions should I have done?

In order to achieve perfect results, we recommend you to have Permanent Hair Removal between 4-8 sessions. It is recommended that you leave gaps of 4 to 8 weeks between each of your appointments. The growth of hair occurs in three stages: growth, rest and transition. With permanent hair removal, only the hairs in the growth stage are targeted. For this reason, it is not possible to see all hairs in a single session.

During your appointment where you intend to take permanent hair removal; recommendations will be provided by the experts on the application of the process appropriate to you.

Can I have permanent hair removal while I am tanned?

Your melanin count should be performed by the specialist practitioner before starting the procedure. This is an important parameter for the safety and effectiveness of the application. If this results in unsatisfactory results, you may not be taken into account by the expert. Your health and safety should be more important than the effectiveness of hair removal for the right centres.

Can permanent hair removal be a solution to the ingrown hair problem?

Many people who received permanent hair removal have reported a reduction in ingrown hair problems even after the initial procedure. When the process is complete, this problem can be completely eliminated.

Can men have permanent hair removal?

Yes, of course, there has been a significant increase in the number of men in the last 10 years for hair removal. Most popular hair removal areas; neck, back and chest regions.

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